Maximum Results With Trans-D Tropin

Please follow these instructions to obtain maximum results while using Trans-D Tropin®:

Longevity / Anti-Aging Protocol (Standard Activity)

• Apply 15 drops, 3 times a day, around the following time periods: 7:00 to 8:00 am, 4:00 to 5:00 pm & at bedtime.
• Work out (resistance and aerobic activity) at least 3 times a week.
• If you are over the age of 65 and DON’T see ANY changes after the first four weeks, you may need to temporarily increase your dose. Above age 65 may need up to 20 drops, 3 times per day initially.
Athletic Performance Enhancement Protocol

• Apply 10 drops 4 times a day, at the following time periods: 7:00 am, 11:30 am, 4:30 pm & at bedtime.
• Do not over train, (do not lift more than 4 times per week).
• Do not exceed your dose of Trans-D Tropin®.
• Don’t forget aerobic training, (Running, Cycling).

• Apply half your dose to inside of each forearm and rub forearms together. Try not use your fingers for application. Trans-D Tropin®is trans-dermal,i.e. enters through the skin. It should be applied to an area where there is minimal fat with the highest blood supply. The inside of the forearms are the best since the skin is very thin and doesn’t slow down the absorption of Trans-D Tropin®. The inside aspects of the thighs as well as the neck area can also be used.

• Use for 5 days and take 2 days off weekly. Follow schedule for 2 months, then take 2 weeks off (recommended). Repeat cycle.

• You must exercise to maximize the results of Trans-D Tropin®. Remember, this is NOT growth hormone. Trans-D Tropin® is naturally mimicking the action of growth hormone (GH) releasing hormone, which is to potentiate endogenous (produced by your own body) GH. So Exercise. Many of the changes you will experience are subtle and obvious only if you are in tune with your body. You will notice rapid changes in sleep patterns, hunger, thirst, and overall sense of well-being. Athletes will notice rapid changes in strength, recovery time and endurance, sometimes within 48 to 72 hours after starting Trans-D Tropin®.

Please REMEMBER, it took YEARS for your body to get where it is now. Although the majority of patients notice changes quickly, it may take a few MONTHS to get the results that you expect. Even AFTER you stop noticing changes externally (outside), Trans-D Tropin® continues to work internally (inside). Consistency is paramount.

• The tendency is to over-train when on Trans-D Tropin®. Be aware of this and prevent this from happening. Remember, the body grows during the resting phase. So leave adequate time for your body to rest and recover. Although you will find yourself not needing as much rest, your body still requires it. So rest, and don’t over-train. Your improvements will be more significant.

• A Low Carbohydrate, High Protein diet makes results evident sooner.

• Eat all the protein your body will start to crave. Don’t diet. Do NOT suppress your cravings for protein. If you have an intense desire to eat something that you don’t usually eat or crave, especially protein, do not try and suppress it. Your body is telling you it is missing something and needs this essential substance to continue the rebuilding process. Trans-D Tropin® is like an excellent general contractor. It knows what your body needs and will increase your desire for those raw materials in the form of cravings.

• If you are obese, you may note a decrease in weight over time. But you will drop body fat slowly. However, if you are not obese, you will probably gain a few pounds. Lean body mass (muscle) increases and weighs more than the body fat that you are losing. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. Clothes will fit better and you will look as if you have lost weight, although you will have gained (muscle). Most people also note changes in facial and body contour. (Lean body mass increases in obese patients also but the obese patients loose far greater body fat and therefore, will see a drop in overall weight over time.)

• Drink 2/3’s of your body weight in ounces of water daily. Don’t be surprised if your consumption of water and frequency of urination increases. Water is the largest substrate in our body and as the physiological parameters
shift to a younger state, the increase in metabolic reactions will increase the need for water. As you start to reduce body fat, your water requirements will also increase substantially and facilitate further loss of body fat.

• Take your nutritional supplements and get adequate rest. Sleep is one of the first things affected. Trans-D Tropin® has significantly improved the quality of sleep for people with sleep disturbances. Furthermore, the amount of sleep needed is significantly reduced with patients experiencing deeper sleep with more vivid dreams, indicating REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is increased. REM sleep is the most restful component of sleep. For people suffering from insomnia, Trans-D Tropin® improves the ability to fall asleep. However, people who normally fall asleep immediately seem to experience a delay in onset of sleep after initiating treatment. It takes about two weeks to normalize this cycle before sleep onset returns to normal.

• Contraindications to Trans-D Tropin® use are listed on the bottle. Do not use Trans-D Tropin® if you’re pregnant. Despite numerous women having difficulty conceiving before use and reporting getting pregnant after using Trans-D Tropin®, it is still recommended not to use if pregnant.
• Shake the bottle well for at least 10 seconds before each use.

Trans-D Tropin® should be kept out of extreme temperatures, especially heat. Although Trans-D Tropin® is very stable in normal temperatures, extreme heat has the potential of denaturing the unique polypeptide complexes and rendering the bottle ineffective. Room temperature is optimum.

Black Salve and Cancer

ONE ANSWER TO CANCER is a video about two cancer salves. One known as black salve is safe and effective, and has never harmed anyone, in thousands of years of use.  Yet it is illegal, and is suppressed by governments.  Why?  You know the reason: Big Pharma will lose billions in revenue when the power and safety of the salve becomes widely known. 

 The other, known as Aldara, doesn’t cure, and has even killed.  Yet, it is still legally and enthusiastically prescribed by doctors, and even subsidized by our tax dollars. 
The corrupt physicians who have prescribed Aldara for financial gain, and the multinational, 3M, who released and promoted it (while knowing it can kill), must be stopped before millions are maimed and die. This is an unspeakable crime

These purveyors of sickness and death have remained unexposed, because history’s legendary “crusading journalists” — who once courageously defied establishment wealth and power — are a thing of the past. Freedom of the (mainstream) press,in the 21st century, belongs only to those who own one. The Internet is now the only medium capable of disseminating truth. This is why we have spent the past five years making a feature-length DVD: ONE ANSWER TO CANCER.
ONE ANSWER TO CANCER  is packed full of amazing testimonials by people who have reclaimed their health.  They have eliminated invasive breast cancers, deadly Ewing’s Sarcoma, terminal thyroid cancer, bowel cancer and an array of skin cancers, even large melanomas. In their interviews men and woman describe exactly how they used this natural salve, and have even generously included startling before and after photos.

Growth Hormone, IGF-1 and cancer

Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) opposed to exogenous GH     How did they get this so wrong ?

Rashid A Buttar D.O.
Visiting Scientist, North Carolina State University
As published in “Anti-Aging Medical Therapies, Volume 5”

The benefits of growth hormone (GH, also known as human growth hormone or hGH) have received increasing attention from not only the media but the medical profession as well, as a result  of studies indicating GH may have the ability to restore a more youthful physiology and enhance the quality of life. However, there is controversy centered on the possibility that maintaining youthful GH levels may actually be harmful in the long run and may result in shortening life span by inducing cancer.

The first foundational objective essential to gaining an insight into these issues is to clearly understand the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. More often than not, we forget the physiological safety mechanisms designed within our systems to protect us. In this case, we refer to the negative inhibitory feedback loop designed to decrease or stop the release of endogenous GH when levels exceed the physiological range. This inhibitory feed back loop plays a significant role in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and realizing its significance is vital to understanding the advantages of using growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) to increase endogenous GH as opposed to using exogenous GH.

This will lead to the discussion of why assessing increases in insulin-like growth factor type1 (IGF-1) as a marker of GH efficacy may not only be unreliable, but a compelling argument will be presented that the practice may be nothing more than the perpetuation of a medical myth. In fact, conclusive data from multiple sources showing that increases in IGF-1 are conducive to the propagation of oncogenesis will be presented and then supported by general physiological concepts, scientific observation and published research.

Finally, the inter-relationship of GH, GHRH, and IGF-1, as well as how each individual component correlates with incidence of cancer, will be thoroughly explained.

continue reading …

Trans d Tropin Ingredients

What are the human growth hormone releaser trans d tropin ingredients you ask ?

Trans d tropin ingredients are  :  Distilled Water, Sorbitol, Propanediol, Stearyl Alcohol, Mineral Oil, Polyoxyethylene (40) Stearate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Oleyl Alcohol, L-Tryptophan, Lecithin*, L-Histidine, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Tyrosine, L-Leucine, L-Proline, L-Serine, L-Alanine, L-Gycine, Modified Arabic* and/or Xanthan Gum*, Disodium EDTA, Diazolidinyl Urea, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate
*May contain this ingredient

Hydration is Vital for Optimum Health

The human body is made up primarily of water. In fact, approximately 75 percent of your body is water and 25 percent is solid matter. Water is essential for absorbing nutrients, eliminating waste, cellular activity and all of the actions necessary for life. Drinking enough water is vital for preventing disease and enjoying a sense of wellbeing.

Without water, our bodies are unable to remove environmental toxins that most of us are exposed to daily. Generally speaking, people who suffer from chronic diseases are seriously dehydrated since the skin, stomach, liver, kidney, heart and brain rely on proper water intake. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, cancer, Alzheimer`s, and many other diseases are often preceded by many years of not enough water. Many illnesses could be significantly improved by simply giving the body sufficient amounts of water so that toxins and waste can be removed.

When dehydrated, the body is seriously stressed, just as it would be if you were in a drought. This creates a fight or flight situation, meaning that stress chemicals are released to deal with the situation. When these chemicals are continually released over long periods of time, chronic disease is inevitable.

Unfortunately in modern society, most people reach for black tea, coffee, soda and alcohol instead of pure water when thirsty. While these beverages contain water, they are actually dehydrating. When these are consumed, the body requires even more water. Over consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, e-numbers and other chemicals are stressful for the body, leading to suboptimal health. It is ironic that in our society where we have access to so much, most people`s bodies are functioning as if there is a famine due to lack of water as well as lack of nutrients from healthy food.

Dehydrating drinks create a strong diuretic effect, which means that the kidneys are overworked. They create imbalances in blood sugar levels, which can lead to tiredness and even diabetes, although they seem to boost energy levels in the short term. Chemicals and sugar can even lead to Attention Deficit Disorder, foggy brain and unclear thinking. Large quantities of water are needed to process these drinks.

Instead of addressing the underlying problem of dehydration, most people turn to pharmaceutical drugs to deal with their ill health. Pain killers and medications compound the problem since they also contain chemicals that the body has to deal with, leading to even more dehydration and potentially health compromising side effects. By simply giving your body the important nutrient of water, you are preventing disease with very little effort.

Just because you don`t feel thirsty, does not mean that you are not in severe need of water. This is because when the body believes that there is not enough water, it will turn off its thirst reaction. But don`t be fooled, when there is not enough water and the thirst signal is turned off, the body is in emergency mode. You may begin to hold on to water in your legs, feet, arms and face. There may be a decrease in urination, keeping the body from excreting potentially harmful waste. You may notice that if you drink plenty of water for several weeks, your thirst signal returns and communicates your need for this vital nutrient once again.

A common excuse for not drinking more water is fear of having to go to the toilet too often. When the body is severely dehydrated for a long period of time, it loses its ability to use the water efficiently. Therefore, it will simply get rid of the water because it does not know what to do with it. After some time, it will become balanced and the constant need to urinate will disappear.

Approximately 2 liters of water per day is needed to be fully hydrated. Pure, filtered water is best, but teas such as mint or chamomile can also be counted as long as some pure water is consumed daily. When alcohol, caffeine, fizzy drinks are consumed, as well as exposure to unnatural food, drugs, cigarettes, environmental toxins and emotional stress, even more water is required for balance.

Substituting coffee with green tea or fizzy drinks with pure, fresh fruit and vegetable juices is a great place to begin. If you enjoy drinking alcohol, remember to drink one pint of pure water for every glass of wine or pint of beer. You will drink less, reduce your risk of a hangover and your body will thank you.

Tap water often contains chemicals, so buying a water filter is a good way to filter out toxins.

Remember that your body depends on pure water. Without it, you are at risk for less than optimum health, so give your body the most fundamental nutrient of pure water that it deserves.

Your Body`s Many Cries for Water

by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj